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What is a Hammertoe?

Hammertoe is a deformity where one or more of the smaller toes become bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. This condition usually affects the second, third, or fourth toes and is often caused by an imbalance in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that normally keep the toe straight.​

| What are the symptoms?

Common signs and symptoms of a Hammertoe

Hammer toe without corns on the top of the toes​

Hammer toe with corns on the toe ​

A corn on the toe can get infected and risk an amputation.​

Corns between the toes can be very painful and have an increased risk of infection​

Corns can form on the tip of the hammer toe as well ​

| How can it be treated?

Nonsurgical treatments

  • Routine pedicures​
  • Hammer toe splints​
  • Hammer toe pads​
  • Web space separator​
  • Wider shoe ​

MIS Hammertoe surgery

Minimal incision hammer toe surgery uses stab incisions and a small bur to move the bones of the toe into straight positions. Most of the times I use special tape to hold the toe straight while it heals, sometimes a screw or a pin is needed to hold the toed straight while it heals. ​

1. MIS hammer toe surgery with tape
holding correction

2. Open hammer toe correction with
long incisions and pins

MIS Hammertoe surgery results

Real results from real patients. ​



Before photo of a foot with hammer toes and bunion​



After photo of patient with MIS hammer toe and bunion correction​

| Frequently Asked Questions

Will my toes be able to bend after MIS Hammer toe surgery?

Depending on the severity of your hammer toes, will depend on whether they will bend after MIS hammer toe surgery. Toes that are not rigid and arthritic will easily we able to bend after the surgery healing is complete and the swelling has resolved.

Will I need pins or screws in my toes after the surgery?

Pins and screws are only used in the most severe cases of MIS hammer toe surgery, most commonly the toes are held in corrected position with surgical tape for 4-6 weeks that our staff teaches you to change at home.

Will I be able to wear dress shoes again after surgery?

If you were able to wear dress shoes prior to the hammer toe causing pain, then yes your problem should be solved after surgery and you should be able to get back into dress shoes in 3 months.

What kind of scar will I have after MIS hammer toe surgery?

Unlike the open procedure, the scars from MIS hammer toe surgery are barely visible. The incisions are mostly hid between the toes so it hard to even see you had surgery.

Will I be able to curl my toes after MIS hammer toe surgery?

The stiffness of the toes and the ability to curl your toes post operatively has more to do with how severe the deformity is and whether stiffening the toes in surgery will help with the correction. The best way to assure getting the most functional motion from your toes is to seek and opinion early and make the correction before the stiffness becomes a problem.